WVB Award Winner 2016


Congratulations to this year’s 2016 Werner-VonderHaar-Bogart (WVB) Award recipient, Carrie Phillippi, APR.

The WVB Award is the highest honor that the Cincinnati PRSA Chapter can bestow upon a member. Carrie’s dedication to the public relations profession, PRSA, and her community make her a worthy and well-deserved recipient of this accolade.

Carrie has helped elevate the brand and reputation of some of the biggest companies in town over the course of her 20+ career. She currently works for GE Global Operations focusing on HR Communications. Previously, Carrie was part of the Copperfox Marketing team prior to its merger with Intrinzic, the PR Director for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and before that, led the Media Services Group of Dan Pinger Public Relations. Carrie has also served as a part-time instructor at Miami University, shaping the minds of future professionals of our industry.

Carrie has been an engaged and active member of Cincinnati PRSA for 17 years. As part of the Chapter’s leadership track, she served a four-year commitment to the board as VP programming, incoming president, president and past president, and has continued to be a critical member year after year. She provides support of the President’s Award, has served on the Media Day planning committee, the Blacksmith Awards committee, and the APR committee. She’s taught many APR classes, participated as a Media Day panelist, and judged countless awards from other chapters through our reciprocal judging agreements. Additionally, you’ll often see Carrie at events, including regular luncheons, happy hours, the Blacksmith Awards and Media Day.

When she is not busy with PRSA, Carrie is an active member of her high school alma mater, the Ursuline Academy Alumnae Council. She is also a former member of the St. Xavier High School Mother's Club, Little Sisters of the Poor Communications Committee, Red Cross Communications Committee and the Women Helping Women Communications Committee.

Carrie holds a B.A. in speech communication from Miami University of Oxford and lives in Wyoming with her husband David. Her stepson, Conner, is currently a senior at the University of South Carolina.